Somatic Psychotherapy Chicago

Sara Moskowitz, LCSW, SEP

Unlock the wisdom of your body



Somatic Experiencing (SE)

What would your body feel like if you could finally shake the symptoms of stress? Somatic Experiencing is a body-based trauma therapy that trains the nervous system to experience ease and safety. Learn more about how Somatic Experience works here.

Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP)

Are you looking to find a deeper level of calm and connection? SSP is a short-term, music-based therapy intervention that can be added as a supplement to other therapies such as Somatic Experiencing, EMDR and CBT. Learn more about the Safe and Sound Protocol here.


Curious about what’s happening in your body during a panic attack, or how exactly your body is keeping the score? Sara is trained in neuroscience and education and can help you understand what’s happening inside your body. Reach out today to get answers to your questions!


our bodies know how to heal and regulate, given the right conditions

learn how to feel at peace within your body



You’ve tried everything, but talk therapy alone has stopped feeling effective. It’s time to feel genuine ease in your body – get ready for the next layer of healing with Somatic Experiencing therapy.

Imagine living your life with less body tension, a sense of deep connectedness and a trust in your own resilience. 

The pacing, style and depth that which you’ll work at is always your call (and you don’t have to talk about your childhood if you don’t want to!). Whether you’re a first-time therapy goer or someone looking for a new layer of healing, you are in the right place. 

Take the first steps toward a life of ease, healing and resilience today.

Online Therapy