Guest Feature: Chris Voirin PT, DPT, TPS

Guest Feature: Chris Voirin PT, DPT, TPS

Our Body’s Living Alarm System Guest feature by Chris Voirin, PT, DPT, TPS of Mindful Motion Physical Therapy Imagine pain as your body’s fire alarm, signaling loud and clear when something’s off. This built-in alarm system is always on guard, ready...
5 Hidden Stress Symptoms

5 Hidden Stress Symptoms

5 Hidden Stress Symptoms Humans are incredibly adaptable, and are born into many circumstances ranging from highly stressful to full of ease. Our nervous systems become programmed to predict how much stress to anticipate in the world starting with our childhood...
3 Somatic Healing Tools to Use Daily

3 Somatic Healing Tools to Use Daily

Somatic Healing Tools To Use Daily Somatic Experiencing is a gentle and powerful tool to help you learn the language of your body. This article will explain three ways to connect to your body daily to release unnecessary tension and rediscover the resilience within...